Nationally Accredited Training ♦ Government Funding in SA and QLD* ♦ RPL Qualification
Nationally Accredited Training ♦ Government Funding in SA and QLD* ♦ RPL Qualification

Micro Business Skill Set


Government Subsidies | looking for government subsidies for this program?

Course Description

This skill set is for those who want to take their business to the next level and for business owners that want to learn how to identify new business opportunities and build a strong business plan, focusing on your target market, potential clients, and research competitors and industry trends.

Nationally accredited course, units from this skill set can contribute to credit towards BSB40320 Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business. 

We’ll help you cultivate a culture of learning

Employment Opportunities

A Micro Business Skill Set will support a variety of roles within business. It is designed to support those who investigate and plan a micro business within or external to an organisation

Start your course enrolment today.

Course Delivery

This course is delivered via DP Learnign@Home model, offering the opportunity to study your way

  • Training Materials offered using electronic based delivery,
  • Trainers/Assessors being available to support you through email and/or telephone contact.
  • Online delivery for 2 units of competency
  • Office/business workplace, for students whom do not have access to office/business workplace, DP training offers business/office classroom simulated environment at DP training locations
  • The opportunity to attend trainer-led study support sessions every Wednesday (9:00am – 12:00pm) for the duration of your course
  • Self-paced (up to 6 months to complete)
  • Rolling intake, start anytime!
Study Program

This course is delivered via our DP Learning@Home Program , offering a mixture

  • self-paced
  • online
  • blended
  • on-the-job
  • block or day release for apprentices
  • a combination of the above
Training Locations

This course is delivered nationally.

Course Entry Requirements

The target learner are people who are a new to business, business owner or business management workers who are planning to set up a business or are currently running a business and wish to success since first steps or take an existing business to prosper and grow.

The target learners and entry requirements for this course must:

  • Require formal training and assessment in this Skill Set as per their organisation’s guidelines or employment requirements.
  • be over 15 years of age, who have finished or left secondary school
  • undertake a Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Skills Indicator assessment questionnaire
  • have technological skills to undertake computer/online work and have
  • access to a computer and software with the following minimum specifications
  • Microsoft Windows XP, or later, or Mac OS X or above; Microsoft Office or equivalent and Adobe Acrobat Reader/Adobe Flash Player and up to date internet browser
Fees & Funding
  • Fee For Service – $485

A $250 deposit is required prior to commencing training and assessment, with fortnightly and monthly payment plans to pay the remaining fees.

Course Structure

In order to gain the Skill Set, 2 units of competency must be completed for this qualification.

Unit CodeUnit Name
BSBESB301Investigate business opportunities
BSBESB401Research and develop business plans
To receive an award for this skill set Students are required to complete all units listed above as competent within a period of 6 months.

Students will be provided with all the Student training and assessment materials for each unit of competency required to complete the course